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Position Paper

Maximize Impact, Minimize Burden: Making the Case for Rapid-Fire Crown Jewels Assessments

Identifying a company’s most important assets to protect should arguably be any cybersecurity organization’s first priority. Traditionally, the Crown Jewels Analysis method is thorough and comprehensive, but arguably heavy and slow to scale. While this approach is considered to be the gold standard and a worthwhile investment, we argue that the approach may not be […]

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Position Paper

The Lost Art of Platform Architecture Design Documentation

Has platform architecture design documentation become a lost art? Over the past decade, we have observed this trend across many IT organizations. It seems to have eroded inversely proportionally to the growth of Agile. Agile’s manifesto of “working software over comprehensive documentation” appears to be misinterpreted as “working software and no documentation”, an unfortunate casualty of […]

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Position Paper

Observability offers promising benefits. Don’t dismiss it as a buzzword.

Modern application systems are significantly more complex than they were a decade ago. Organizations aiming to scale effectively have adopted distributed microservice ecosystems in lieu of monolithic architectures. Microservices allow organizations to deliver efficiently and decrease time to market. This is great for the customer, but innovation often comes with a tradeoff. So where is […]

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Position Paper

Effective Engagement for Remote Communications

The ability to accommodate a remote work environment is no longer just a competitive edge – it is now an organizational “must-have.” What started as a short-term solution has quickly become a mainstay, and with it comes the opportunity to drive stronger connections between the organization and its workforce. In this position paper, the DayBlink […]

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Position Paper

Introduction to Metrics in Cybersecurity

“We need metrics. What are our key performance indicators? How do we know if we’re doing okay?” Cybersecurity leaders often ask these questions to their security teams to no avail — or worse, to a labyrinth of spreadsheets, incongruent datasets, and a rudimentary business intelligence layer sitting over the top of everything. Learn more about […]

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Position Paper

Corporate Diversity and Responses to the Black Lives Matter Movement

Analysis of the actions taken by America’s largest companies following the tragic killing of George Floyd Corporate Racism and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement It is impossible to separate Corporate America from the foundation of oppression that it was built upon. After all, it was slavery that fueled America’s first big business – the […]

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Position Paper

Container Security – A Panacea Becomes a Vulnerability

Containers are helping enterprises develop, deploy, and deliver their applications faster — providing greater agility and efficiency over traditional software development methodologies. While adoption is increasing rapidly, container security challenges are slowing container deployments in production. DayBlink’s latest position paper focuses on how to find the highest value and easiest to implement container security initiatives […]

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Position Paper

Passwords: The Human-defined Firewall

Why using ‘P@55w0rd’ may not be as effective as you think and how to set better passwords. In 2018, British Airways announced that a major security breach had exposed the personal data of 565,000 customers. The airline confirmed that over a two-week period, hackers were able to gain access to names, addresses, email addresses, credit […]

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Position Paper

Management Styles for a COVID World

COVID-19 has forced organizations to adapt to a new normal and face new pressing concerns. One of these priority concerns is how to optimally engage a recently transitioned remote workforce to boost team morale, drive efficiencies, and protect corporate culture. Although seemingly daunting, organizations can take actionable steps to lead from afar to ensure organizational […]

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