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A Framework for Change

How to Improve Diversity, Equality, Equity, and Inclusion at your Organization In order to unpack deep-rooted, systemic biases, organizations must challenge the status quo by taking an active role in leading change. While these actions are driven by organizations, the case for change is built through education and buy-in of individuals. In order to drive […]

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Position Paper

Corporate Diversity and Responses to the Black Lives Matter Movement

Analysis of the actions taken by America’s largest companies following the tragic killing of George Floyd Corporate Racism and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement It is impossible to separate Corporate America from the foundation of oppression that it was built upon. After all, it was slavery that fueled America’s first big business – the […]

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“D&I” is Only Half of the Equation

Given the recent social challenges in our country, many organizations are turning attention to their Diversity & Inclusion programs with renewed focus. Improvements and action plans are beginning to take shape, from new employee groups and open forum discussions to seminars on implicit bias and training on microaggressions. However, few organizations recognize the breadth of […]

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Position Paper

Management Styles for a COVID World

COVID-19 has forced organizations to adapt to a new normal and face new pressing concerns. One of these priority concerns is how to optimally engage a recently transitioned remote workforce to boost team morale, drive efficiencies, and protect corporate culture. Although seemingly daunting, organizations can take actionable steps to lead from afar to ensure organizational […]

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COVID-19 Impact on Financial Planning & Analysis

The impacts of COVID-19 have catalyzed businesses to rethink current operations and unlock enterprise value by improving financial processes. The U.S. economy is projected to contract by nearly 6% in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, twice the 2.9% contraction of the 2008 meltdown. Successful organizations thrive during economic downturns due to preparation and rapid […]

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Position Paper

Time & Motion in the Age of Agile

“Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.” H. James Harrington Velocity Overlooks Measurement In modern business, there has been an increase in […]

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Case Study

Large Divestiture Highlighted Operational Challenges Which Threatened Deal Value

With the decision to divest a significant portion of their business, our client had to quickly review all balance sheet accounts to prepare for its eventual sale.  As part of their assessment, they identified thousands of outstanding unprocessed intercompany transactions.

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Case Study

Technical Accounting Assessment and Research – Large Pharmaceuticals Organization

With a lack of internal resources that had technical accounting expertise, a pharmaceuticals client needed external assistance in creation of a technical accounting memorandum for external auditors. DayBlink was able to provide the necessary expertise and research to prepare the memorandum and defend our clients position with external auditors, we also prepared financial statement disclosures for all relevant transactions.

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